From 6th to 7th May 2019 in Mureck, Austria, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, in cooperation with the Land Steiermark, Department 14, Water Management, Resources and Sustainability, and the Municipality of Mureck organized the 5th International Coordination Board Meeting for the establishment of the five-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube.
Representatives of the relevant ministries from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia met to discuss further steps for the pentalateral nomination to UNESCO. It was an opportunity to discuss the analysis of gaps done by external experts within the scope of the coop MDD project and create a roadmap towards a complete nomination form. Building on the previous meeting in Velika Polana, all participants agreed that they remain supportive of the nomination and will take the next necessary steps to bring us closer to the establishment of the world’s first five-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube.
The meeting was concluded with a joint boat excursion on the Mura River, visiting a side branch restoration done several years ago.