Volunteering for sand martins
This weekend, IRSNC partnered up with DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia and gathered 25 volunteers on the Mura River to provide sand martins a new breeding site! The volunteers cleaned almost 100 meters of the steep bank and prepared the site for these special birds,...
Regional Expert of Biosphere Reserve Lower-Mura-Valley
Raising awareness and transferring knowledge about the Natural Jewel of the UNESCO 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube is one of the main goals of the lifelineMDD project, so the partners from Austria RMSO presented their national training called “Regional...
Excavation works on the pilot site in Hrastje Mota have started
Excavation works on the pilot site in Hrastje Mota have started. Almost all the trees were previously cut down on the area so the field would be ready for excavation. The rocks will be removed from the embankment first, in order to excavate a canal into which they...
The first scientific conference within the UNESCO 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube
Over three very intensive days, between 24-26th of November, the mid-term conference of project lifelineMDD took place, online, with the participation of over 100 registered guests. The busy conference schedule spread over three days, including one and a half days of...